The corporate policy of B.V / Opcharge is focused on continuity. The management is convinced that this continuity can only be guaranteed if care for quality and the environment forms an essential part of the total company policy. To this end B.V / Opcharge maintains a management system based on ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. The policy contains the following principles, whereby the management feels obliged and constantly aims to strictly comply with the rules and regulations related to laws and regulations and other requirements and to anticipate future developments. B.V / Opcharge aims for a maximum achievable quality, such as with regard to adequate processing of requests, planning, execution, delivery, malfunctions and management / maintenance. Whereby the quality meets the standards, legal and other requirements.
The organization strives to preserve the environment as much as possible. The management is open to new developments that can make processes, products and services more environmentally friendly, such as in the following key areas: the organization’s CO2 footprint, sustainable purchasing, low CO2 company vehicles, sustainable raw materials and nuisance to the environment.
Everyone should strive for continuous improvement in quality and environmental results. This is very important for a healthy future of our company. Your ideas in this regard are greatly appreciated by the management.
The management annually sets concrete quality and environmental objectives that are important for customer and employee expectations. New objectives are set annually after evaluating the results. In doing so, we strive for continuous improvement.  Breda, December 13, 2021,  Pieter Haans  Managing Partner / KAM coordinator